CrossFit Games Replication Weekend 2019

RedPill Training held a CrossFit Games replication weekend for their Games athletes, 14 events over one weekend. Phil Mansfield gives his thoughts on how the weekend went.

“Just heading to the airport to drop the guys off after a very successful replication weekend. We held 14 WODs, tested pretty much everything that could come up in CrossFit. We flipped things, paddled on things, lifted things, ran, biked. Did some classics.

We have a really good idea for the athletes who are going to the games of where their form is at this current stage. That’s the key element of coaching. Not the output, the input. The data that comes in from the athletes and how you analyse that data. For us this weekend was all about data, speeds and weights and paces and mental application - seeing them under pressure. Of course, you can’t replicate the exact pressure from the Games, but you can replicate certain mental stress that can potentially precipitate a reaction from the athletes.

It has been hugely successful, honestly, sitting and writing the training plans early this morning, I wrote them slightly differently to what I would have planned based on what I saw and learnt this weekend. The information we got around pacing and in particular a couple exercises we haven’t done as much as we should have… so got them into the training programme.

All in all, just feeling the mental freedom that everything is tested and tried, and form is good. All bodes well for a nice competition in Maddison. We can leave this weekend feeling like we are definitely on the right track to turn up to Maddison ready for a fight!” Phil Mansfield

CrossFit Games 2019

Alliant Energy Center,
United States.

July 29th- August 4th


CrossFit Games 2019 RedPill Athletes

Sara Sigmundsdottir, Open & Icelandic National Champion

Elliott Simmonds, British National Champion

Sam Briggs, British National Champion

Emma McQuaid, Irish National Champion


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